The recording setup for data in step_table_galperin_and_xyz.mseed is: - two Trillium Compact 120s on a step table - first Trillium oriented towards North and recording original Galperin components UVW (thus U is due East) - second Trillium is rotated 25 degrees counter-clockwise from North (thus X is at azimuth (90-25 = 65 degrees) So for use in obspy.signal.rotate.rotate2zne the following azimuth and dip setup should be used: az_u = 90.0 dip_u = -(90.0 - 54.7) az_v = 330.0 dip_v = -(90.0 - 54.7) az_w = 210.0 dip_w = -(90.0 - 54.7) az_x = 65.0 dip_x = 0.0 az_y = 335.0 dip_y = 0.0 az_z = 0.0 dip_z = -90.0